Prattle & Jaw

Two blogs about a whole lot of nothing

Olecranon Fracture: Part Five

Yesterday I had what turned out to be my final appointment at the hospital. 

My appointment last month didn't go as I had hoped. My usual surgeon must have been busy, so another one saw me, and saw me quickly. He seemed perfectly happy with things, told me I'd have to have the metal removed in a year, and all but threw me out. He was perfectly kind and nice, but it was so slapdash. After talking to my physio, she recommended I write to the hospital and request another appointment. So I did. To my surprise they came back very quickly with a new time - yesterday. 

My range of movement has increased since my last post. It's now the point that in a stretch - after a good warm up - I can touch my shoulder. Imagine that! I honestly didn't think that would ever happen again. I'm still a good 4 inches away when not warmed up and not stretching, but that will get better in time. Life has all but returned to normal, actually. I can't put my headphones in my right ear very gracefully, nor can I loop my bag strap over my right shoulder with my right hand, and it can get uncomfortable to lie on or put my elbow on hard surfaces. It's also fairly awkward to do things to the right side of my face or upper body, but not to the extent that I favour my left hand. 

I went into my meeting yesterday in good spirits, and was greeted by a surprised and very impressed surgeon. He was extremely happy with my progress, and said that I didn't have to have the metal out unless it bothered me. Everything looked perfect in the x-rays, so when I left, we said we hoped we'd never see each other again. 

It's strange to think that that was it. My visits there are over. Now, I'll see if I even need to continue with my phsyio. My private physio said we'd be done in a month, so I think now it's all a matter of continual stretching and building up strength - things I can do at home and in the gym. 

I can still get pretty down when I think about the fact that I'm probably going to have some serious issues the older I get, and I'm definitely not as limber or fit as I was 5 months ago. I'm still doing three rounds of exercises a day, and they're still extremely painful. Right now, that's the worst thing, knowing that every morning, every afternoon, and every evening I have to hurt myself, quite a lot. But life goes on. I'll get more limber, and my fitness will improve. 

Next step is to get my soft arse to the gym, and see if I need to go on with my other physio. 

It feels odd, slipping out of the system. Odd, a little scary, but good. 

Back to life. 

The beautiful Bispebjerg Hospital

The beautiful Bispebjerg Hospital

Copyright © 2022, Lara Mulady. All rights reserved.