Prattle & Jaw

Two blogs about a whole lot of nothing

Copenhagen and Life. So Far

Well today I start my last week of full freedom before I start my new job at Eye for Image, here in Copenhagen. I am looking forward to it very much, but am also a bit nervous, as it's an area I am new to, and of course, it's a new job, which means new people, new environments, new routines - new everything. I've no doubt it'll be fine - so far the people seem very nice.

Of course, it's now that I start thinking I should have done more on my time off, but moving to a new city has proved time consuming in it's own way. Just adjusting to it, taking in the new surroundings, getting to know the lay of the land, exploring etc. There are two big walks I want to do before the week is out, as well as meeting some people for coffee - a fact, which in itself is fantastic and hugely time consuming for me, as I don't know many people in Copenhagen. This has proved to be more thought provoking that I originally....thought it would be. It's hard to acknowledge that you don't know many people, and even harder to acknowledge that it's extremely tough to meet people once you're over 30. It's hard to think of your good friends you've left in your home country, and in places you previously lived. It sucks, actually. Positively sucks.

But. There are many 'buts', all of which can be neatly summed up in; I live in Copenhagen - what is proving to be every bit the city I had imagined.

I love it here. It is, so far, the mix between urban and, well, not quite 'rural', but....seaside, I think. Thilde and I took a boat trip around the city habour on the weekend, and it was just magic. The incredible mix of sharp, ultra-modern architecture, bohemian lifestyle, fairytale history, seafaring, massive conglomerates, all jumbled up together in a city which really isn't that big. I love it. And I've only just arrived.

Yet time is flying, as it so often does. I've already started reading for the next semester, and with August fully booked, I'll be starting that semester - the final semester - very shortly. It's pretty scary too - MA thesis ideas are beging to form (although none to a satisfactory point), and then beyond that lies 'the career'. Or the hoped for - and longed for - career. This is a daunting time for anyone in Denmark, but especially for an alien in this little country. But, I'll cross that bridge when I get there, and for now focus on my studies....what a luxurious escape.

All in all, so far so good. I know this city has much to offer - and I'll get there in time. There are so many things I want to go and see and do, and want people to go and do these things with. They will come, and things will be done (amen).

I love that time is flying, but I also wish it would slow down. Or perhaps it's going at just the right pace. Letting me take things in, while simultaneously keeping me on my toes. I guess it's all good. I can't complain. I really can't.

Copyright © 2022, Lara Mulady. All rights reserved.